A bit of an exposition on paralysis ticks would be useful from one of you biol geeks one day. The southwest has mainly those annoying little roo ticks for humans to get infested with, not worth making tall tales up about.
Don,t underestimate the effects of the female paralysis tick! I was one of the unfortunate % to suffer anaphylactoid reactions seven days ago. Toxin effects initially caused visual disturbances,followed by rapid escalation of my heartrate as my bp dropped and within minutes I was collapsed on the floor unable to move with my breathing rapidly decreasing.Luckily the ambo's arrived in ten minutes and gave adrenalin to get me stabilised, followed by a stint in intensive care.A week later I'm feeling very lucky but still aware the toxin is still affecting me some.
That's the mark of a true biologist, David: photographing the parasites before giving them the flick!
A bit of an exposition on paralysis ticks would be useful from one of you biol geeks one day.
The southwest has mainly those annoying little roo ticks for humans to get infested with, not worth making tall tales up about.
Wow, I didn't realise it was a (female) paralysis tick, thanks for the heads-up! I'll do some research and post what I find.
Uhuh. So you're a tick-magnet too.
Don,t underestimate the effects of the female paralysis tick! I was one of the unfortunate % to suffer anaphylactoid reactions seven days ago. Toxin effects initially caused visual disturbances,followed by rapid escalation of my heartrate as my bp dropped and within minutes I was collapsed on the floor unable to move with my breathing rapidly decreasing.Luckily the ambo's arrived in ten minutes and gave adrenalin to get me stabilised, followed by a stint in intensive care.A week later I'm feeling very lucky but still aware the toxin is still affecting me some.
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